Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Holiday Pot Luck is a go!

Greetings, holiday lovers--

So the Departmental Holiday Pot Luck party is a go. We are going to gather this Friday, Dec. 5, at 3:40 p.m. in the L Room (there is a class in the room until 3:30, so I figured we'd give folks time to clear out before we start setting up the vittles). I suppose it would be a good idea to both list some of the needs for the party since the department can't supply any money to get stuff. Things we need are:

Food (either entrees or side dishes)
Fluids (wine, beer, soda, water, etc.)
Plates, napkins, and utensils

If you could e-mail me to let me know what you plan on bringing, that would be good so that we know everything is covered and so we don't have duplicate supplies. i will be bringing the following:

A dish of chick peas, feta, roasted red peppers and olives in a very garlic-y dressing and pita bread
18 beers (Becks, Stella Artois, and Peroni)
2 coolers
boom box and Christmas music
3 drunken elf hookers

I hope lots of folks can attend so that we can embrace the true meaning of the holiday. Not going into debt, but folks getting together and taking the time to share with each other.

Party on,


A different kind of holiday gathering

Ho ho ho, dudes--

When times were lean back when I was young, my parents would still find ways to celebrate the holidays. We would make each other gifts. We would decorate one of our trees outside. And we would feast on one of Grandma's numerous cysts while singing, "It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Cystmas."

Since times are lean here as well and the department won't be having our usual holiday party, I thought I'd check with folks to see if anyone would like to have some sort of pot luck gathering. I figure if folks are up for it, we can pick a day and time to gather in the L Room. Since there will be no funding for this event, it would be up to everyone to bring something to share. It could be a main course, a side dish, a dessert, or some sort of liquid (like wine, beer, or soda).
Please let me know if anyone would be interested in participating in this and, if so, what day and time would work best for everybody. It's sad that we won't be able to have our traditional party, but I think it would be nice if everybody could still get together to celebrate the holiday season as a group. I, of course, would be more than happy to whip up a batch of cyst pudding topped with whipped phlegm.

Party on,
